
Sweden : A 6 Hour Work Day : Should Canada Follow Suit?

Decent Essays

Over the past few decades, the work overload has raised and worsened causing an increase in work hours as well as levels of stress within employees. As stated by Stefani Forster in her article “Sweden Adopts A 6-Hour Work Day: Should Canada Follow Suit?” employees who work longer hours are associated with a decrease in productivity per hour. Sweden has decided to switch to a six hour work day unlike Canada’s average eight our work day, for the organizations to succeed. Much of a company’s success is based on the employee’s performance as well as the ability to complete tasks well and on time. This can be achieved by decreasing the amount of hours an employee works in a day as employees are happier, more energetic and achieve work related …show more content…

A six hour shift would allow employees to intensely focus on their work and be able to have the endurance to complete the work. Instead of taking more breaks in between the long eight hour shift, workers will began to manage their time more effectively to be able to productively finish the work in fewer hours. Many employees work longer hours for many reasons, one of them being consumerism. They want to be able to have enough money to buy materialistic items and services as a way of filling the void of happiness, so they attempt to buy themselves happiness considering they don’t have the time or energy to actually see their families or friends and enjoy their free time so they try to buy happiness. Workaholics are also people who are known to work long hours because they feel as if they are compelled to work due to internal stress which results to damage towards an individual’s personal relationships and health as well as the quality and productivity of the work being done. Workaholics work long hours causing them to lose the sense of joy within their work as well as the joy in their personal life leading them to work more as a way to fill the void within their

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