
Test Tube # 13 Lab Report

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Problem: An unknown bacteria in test tube #13 needs to be identified out of the list of bacteria provided as possible.
Hypothesis: If different tests were carried out to identify the bacteria’s characteristics, then the bacteria could be identified, because a dichotomous key can be used to eliminate all other bacteria in the list
1. Obtain an inoculating loop, Bunsen burner, test tube #13 and a test tube rack.
2. Gram Stain Test to determine the shape of the bacteria, it’s orientation of growth, and whether is gram-negative meaning the bacteria lacks a cell wall, or gram-positive which means it contains a cell wall.
a. Obtain a clean slide, crystal violet, Gram’s iodine, 95% alcohol, safranin, bibulous paper, a light microscope along with materials from step 1.
b. Sterilize the inoculating loop in Bunsen burner and let cool.
c. Collect sample with the sterilized inoculating loop from test tube #13 after uncovering and heating the top of the test tube, then spread onto a clean slide and let it dry.
d. Heat-fix the bacteria to the slide by passing the slide three times over the Bunsen burner flame, but be careful not to destroy the bacteria by excessive heat.
e. Flood the slide with crystal violet and wait one minute.
f. Wash the slide off with tap water by letting a slow drip hit one end of the slide, and roll off the other side by tipping …show more content…

The bacteria is not pathogenic on its own, however produces protein-toxins indirectly, disrupting the host. The bacteria mainly affects the respiratory system of the nose, causes dermal infections. This is one of the most common infections found in hospitals, which is spread by healthcare workers acting as carriers for Staphylococci aureus. Staphylococci aureus has a thick cell wall, making it hard for a body’s immune system to destroy it, and has become commonly resistant to antibiotics, leaving a need to newer generations as it evolves

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