
The Crisis Intervention Reflection

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The Crisis Intervention Reflection Paper When someone asked me what I thought a crisis was, the first examples that came to my mind was Hurricane Katrina, September 11, 2001. Once I began to think more of what the definition of a crisis would be, I know that it is the reaction of how someone reacts to a crisis event. Other examples may be suicide, homicide, domestic violence, and different traumas that one experiences. Once we began our discussions in class, I realized that a crisis and how one deals with a crisis, whether it is a natural, manmade or personal, effects each person differently. How that person handles the crisis, may have short term or long term effects that may lead to a mental illness. That is one of the points that I found very interesting, among other information we learned in class, along with the various speakers that we had.
Our first speaker, Rod Farrar, who spoke on EMDR fascinated me the most. I came across the term often but I did not realize how effective the practice is. I found it interesting that when a counseling professional is certified and trained in the practice, it can be very effective in helping someone that experienced a crisis. The science information that was discussed during the speech, helped me understand the science behind the practice and how it is gaining ground in the counseling field. It lead me to want to know more about the science behind the technique and how our brain responds to different techniques to help our clients with a crisis in their lives. Another example would be meditation and the brain scans that were taken before and after a certain period of time someone practiced meditation. I agree that science is beginning to play a larger role in being able to show the results of differents therapy techniques. We have CAT scans, x-rays and MRI’s that are proving how a person makes progress in their treatment, this part of our field I find very intriguing and the EMDR techniques is one practice that I hope to become certified in and be able to incorporate in my practice.
Following Mr. Farrar, Mr. James Coniglio from the State Hospital and Mr. Brent Hurley from the Dept. of Mental Health were speakers that I found interesting and learned

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