
The Issue That Faces Women Is Abortion

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An important issue that faces women is abortion. With abortion laws constantly changing, women are finding that they are a continuous target of sexism. Social work is relative to this subject because often times social workers have to assist clients who are seeking or who have had an abortion. It is very important that a social worker is knowledgeable about abortion rights and laws. This is critical as it may become a part of your case. Women’s health is equally as important as everyone’s else’s rights. Instead of focusing on what is much more important, lawmakers have spent a great deal of time focusing on ruling the reproductive rights of women.
Abortion rights for women are a constant challenge. Abortion became legal in the 1973 case of Roe v. Wade by the supreme court. A woman then had the right to make choices about her own body. This was all in connection with the ‘’right to privacy’’ rights and the pro-choice side. The problem is you have individuals that agree with ‘’pro-life and pro-choice.’’ With that being said, the pro-life activist believe that the pregnancy should not be terminated and the woman should give birth. Pro-choice is when one believes that it’s a woman’s decision whether she wants to have a baby or not.
This ties into sexism because by taking control over women’s health rights, you’re limiting a women’s capabilities as a woman. With sexist thoughts, a woman’s rights can easily be violated with stereotypical thoughts and

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