
The Limits Of Grit Essay

Decent Essays

When it comes to bullying in schools it has plenty of negative effects on some individual students. There are some kids who don’t have a problem with bullying because they are the problem.

In the article of The Limits Of “Grit” by David Denby there are plenty of interesting ideas that are brought up. One of the ideas that Denby brings up is teaching grit in schools. Denby thinks the idea of teaching grit should be taught it all schools. One point that Denby brings up is when he says the following “ If we suffer from a grit deficiency in this country, it shows up in our unwillingness to face what is obviously true—that poverty is the real cause of failing schools.” ( Denby,4) Denby explains that poverty is the real reason why some …show more content…

One of the ideas that is brought up is the concept of being bullied. He says the following “ 20% of female and 18% of male high school students reported being bullied at school in the past 12 months. ( Cornell, 220) Eighteen percent of boys get bullied in school. One issue that has not been solved in schools are types of programs that are introduced to the students that will prevent bullying to happen. There’s an organization that is called UpStand which is an anti bullying program, that will come to the school and give them an whole presentation on the danger of bullying.

There are plenty of impacts that happen to someone when they are physically bullied or verbally bullied. “Kids who are bullied are more likely to experience: Depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy. These issues may persist into adulthood.” ( Bullying is something that shouldn’t be joked about as there are plenty impacts that can really hurt someone. Being bullied as a kid can even affect someone when they are older.

When I first started being a victim of bullying I was able to realize that due to bullying it was harder to concentrate in class. My grades started going downhill from there on. Being in class I was always turning my

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