
The Significance Of Grit By Deborah Perkins Gough Essay

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In The Significance of Grit by Deborah Perkins-Gough and Angela Duckworth who graduated from the University of Pennsylvania conducting research studies from grit. It states, she’s been doing this for 11 years (Perkins-Gough pg.15). Furthermore, I would talk more about it. Another Article is Brainology Transforming Students’ Motivation to Learn by Carol S. Dweck. Something I know from the top of my head is that Dweck is a Psychology Professor at Stanford University. This article covers more about the research in fixed and growth mindset.
Duckworth explains people with grit are those who confront failure and don’t give up easily. She did research on the U.S Army to determine their grit. She realize, if the soldiers had a though of mind of grit they showed good results in their military performance on summer camp. Also, there was a fascinating research she had with taxi drivers relating to grit. Commonly, one would think that taxi drivers make more money in a rainy day. But what she found out was that taxi drivers work less hours in rainy days because they would make the sufficient money they needed for the day. In similarity, she compare this research to talent and grit. One with talent will spent less time on something so they stop immediately once they have proficient. In the other hand, someone with grit will spend longer time and get more out of it.
My first year of college I was devastated because I didn’t pass my math class due to procrastination. Not because the class

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