
The Pro's and Con's of Student Preaching

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The Pro’s and Con’s of a student preacher can be very nerve wrecking because of the responsibility of following through with every “I dotted and every “T” crossed. When writing, preaching and teaching the Word of God it can become very intimidating to anyone who desires to follow in a league of skillful preachers, pastors and teachers. How can you be original when it appears all of the apparent techniques have been discovered? Speaking of technique, how should a student preacher apply everything they ever learned from a Bible seminary? These are questions for many students of the Bible. How do I represent God and still reach the lost souls of our generation and at the same time feed the Believers of Christ so they won’t starve …show more content…

Through this survey they found the small church pastor was not as influence by books because their concern was more focused on discipleship. Whereas the pastor of a larger church was more apt to read more books to get incite on how to continue to grow his church and meet the needs of the people. Also the survey revealed the different types of influence came from authors, their fellow colleagues and other theology influences. Also, they discovered pastors of a Pentecostal churches were more conservative in their approaches and would not use the influence of outside sources. The Word of God talks about the mature saint and the survey also discovered that the age of a pastor will have influence of what is preached based on experience. Either way modern day preaching has many factors of how a sermon is structured and shared among congregations at every main service. When you consider how today’s modern preacher or teacher compares to the original believers of Christ there is a shortage in comparison. There could be one factor missing and it’s just purely believing in the power of God’s word being enough for the people to feed on and live on until eternity. His word never changes it is the bread of life that will feed any intellectual of our time.
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