
The Revolutions : The Causes Of The American Revolution

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The American Revolution is a monumental moment in history, as the underdog nation who was definitively outnumbered, outgunned, and poorly trained to fight such a powerful enemy, miraculously beat a well-developed, established nation. The weak and underdeveloped United States of America, who were simple colonies at the time, were fighting for independence against an overbearing British rule. The controlling English hand that hovered over every colonists’ head was deciding their every step, their every breath, and their every thought proved to be too much for colonists, who organized a rebellion against their very mother nation. This rebellion was not without justifiable reason, as the original generals and leaders of the future American government, nicknamed the Founding Fathers, had fought against British rule so that every American citizen attains inalienable rights such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Among the liberties that were made sure to be included in the Declaration of Independence was the freedom of religion; taking notes from the British rule who had opposed every religion with the exception of Christianity. These religious freedoms had thought to be a blessing for Quakers, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, and any other religious or non-religious followers within the borders of the newly developed United States of America, but these colonists would mistake this as a benefit to them. Even though the founding fathers had intended for the United States to

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