
The Term ' Autism '

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The term ‘autism’ can be dated back to 1911, where it was first used to describe schizophrenia by Paul Bleuler (Khalid et al, 2014). However, more recent research has characterised autism as a lifelong, neurodevelopmental condition, with symptoms appearing as early as the age of three, and although the condition affects four times more females than males, evidence points to the disability affecting males more acutely (Germain et al, 2015). As a developmental disability, autism affects a number of things within an individual, to include, communication abilities, how to effectively relate to others, as well as affecting how to make sense of the world around them, all of which are attainments that would come naturally to neurotypical humans (Germain et al, 2015). Autism, therefore, has been described as being “characterized by impairments in social interaction, communication, and repetitive patterns of behaviour” (Brown and Elder, 2014, p. 219). In the UK, approximately 700,000 people are living with the disability and around 2.8 million people are affected by autism in their lives (The National Autistic Society, 2016). Because autism is a spectrum condition, those who are compounded by it will share certain traits; however, autism will affect them and their abilities in different ways, with individual differences in the patterns of development (Whitman, 2004). Although autism can affect many areas of a person’s life, my research is aimed at looking at one of the core

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