
The True Cause of Conflict Between Athens and Sparta Essay examples

Decent Essays

'The True cause of the conflict between the Athenians and the Spartans was growing fear of Athenian domination.' To what extent is this an accurate assessment?

This assessment is accurate however there are other causes which led to conflict between Athens and the Spartans, which many historians have discussed the different causes of the Peloponnesian War, the two equal but different powers in control of Greece and the surrounding area. Athens with a democratic rule expanded by using the surrounding waterways for trade and developing a great navy. Sparta with an oligarchic rule settled in by developing a thriving agriculture community and a land based army. The balance of power leans towards Sparta and her allies. Sparta already feared …show more content…

Furthermore, it appears that Pericles forgot that long time enemies could enter the picture and help the Spartans as the Persians did, because Athens was so aggressive especially under the guidance of Pericles. This aggression led to Sparta’s attack against Athens. In the end, Athens’ aggression only leads to her defeat. However historians like Thucydides stated that the “Real cause I consider to be the one which was formally most kept out of sight. The growth of the power of Athens, and the alarm which this inspired Lacedaemon, made war inevitable”. While Thucydides may have thought he settled the causes of the Peloponnesian War. However other historians debate that other reasons were to blame such as 'Spartans desire for more' as well as 'Athenian bullying of its allies and neutral cities'. Because Thucydides was exiled from Athens for 11 or more years his research could be more dedicated, however some of his information from Athens had to been eye witness accounts of events, speeches etc.

The Megarian Decree was a set of economic sanctions levied upon Megara in 432 BC by the Athenian Empire shortly before the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War.The extent to which the decree encouraged the outbreak of the Peloponnesian war is the subject of debate. My primary source for the war, Thucydides, however he puts very little emphasis upon the decree in his analysis of the cause of the war, and treating it as a pretext on the part of the Spartans. The main

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