
Totalitarianism Dbq Essay

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In the 20th century totalitarian governments had come to power in Italy, Germany, and the Soviet Union. These governments had forced their political authority and centralized control over all aspects of life (Document 3 and 6). The government had imposed public gatherings to invade people’s lives and indoctrination of totalitarian ideas had influenced youth organizations and literature to help the government gain authority over one’s country (Document 2). One method used by totalitarian dictatorship is having mass rallies and speeches. The totalitarian government that used these method leaders was Benito Mussolini of Italy and Adolf Hitler of Germany. In order to be dominant in people’s everyday life he organized mass rallies. “… mass rallies …show more content…

They implemented Communist values throughout youth programs, and used collective farmers ransack villages, and gave it to the government to distribute in the cities. In the Soviet Union the government mainly targeted youth groups since it was easier to manipulate children then adults; In the schools, Communism was always the theme in everything they learned. “Red Challenge Banner” (Document 6). This challenge was issued by the Communist government to help aid failing students, the aid was issued by the government and they had named it red, which is the primary color of the U.S.S.R ; showing how they implemented government colors into a child’s life. Collective farmers, which were issued by the government, were ransacking their own villages, taking away harvests and household valuable such as sterling silver. The reason why this indoctrination is because the collective farmers are harming their own assets just to see Communism be successful, or for the “ universal triumph of Communism” (Document 5). This shows that the government had introduced indoctrination to their people allowing the totalitarian state to thrive especially if the Soviets were spreading

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