
Unknown Bacteria Reagent

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Table 1 shows the steps and color results after each reagent was added to bacterial smear slide. Before any reagent was added to the heat fixed bacterial slides unknown bacteria was colorless. The primary stains reagent, Crystal Violet was added to the slide the unknown bacteria color was purple. Then, Iodine mordant the color of cells still remained purple. After adding the decolorizer alcohol gram + would remain purple and the purple color from the gram- would be removed and it would become colorless. The last counterstain safranin was added to the slide a gram+ would remain purple and the gram – would turn pink or reddish in color. Meanwhile, after the gram staining, one were able to identify under the microscope that unknown bacteria …show more content…

After the gram staining of the unknown bacteria, observation under oil immersion using a bright field microscope at 1000x of the shape, Arrangement, color and type of gram reaction of the microbes was …show more content…

A positive bacterial growth on nutrient agar plate used as control as well as bacteria colony morphology. The EMB was used to select for coliform gram negative bacteria and determine if the bacteria is able to ferment lactose. The Purple color colonies indicated a positive result for strong fermentation of sugars by fecal coliforms. The last plate is the PEA plate, white showed inhibited growth of the bacteria indicating that the unknown bacteria is gram negative.
Table 4 is showing test results for Phenal Red fermentation broths, Methyl Red-Voges Proskauer broths, Catalase, oxidase and Urease. In the three Phenel Red tubes the unknown bacteria #3 tested positive yellow for fermentation. However, when reagents were added in the MR-VP tubes the Methyl Red turned a Pinkish color detecting the unknown bacteria #3 strong acid formed and VP tube remained yellow detecting no formation of acetoin. The positive catalase test was indicated by bubbles when peroxide was mixed with the bacteria. However, the negative oxidase test indicated no cytochrome oxidase is present. The final test in the table is the Urease test. The result of the Urease was positive pink color detecting the production of

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