
Upton Sinclair's The Jungle: An Analysis

Decent Essays

In The Jungle, Author Upton Sinclair uses Jurgis, the main character of the book, as an example of what the common working man’s life was like. Jurgis, along with all his family are Lithuanian immigrants, who just immigrated to the U.S. Not knowing the foreign culture, they were hired by a meatpacking plant. This plant, ran by corrupt politicians, applied strict rules and regulations; not reimbursing/paying their workers enough, long hours, etc. Jurgis joined a Union, after realizing he should fight for his rights as a laborer. Sinclair’s opinion about labor rights was, that the common working man should fight for, and be granted more rights to increase their chance of supporting their families.

One case of when Sinclair shows his opinion …show more content…

For after all the hard work a man did, he was only paid for part of it.” (Sinclair 95). Sinclair hits two rights that laborers were fighting for in the unions in this quote. The first right Sinclair spoke of was of long working hours, when he said “And so on Christmas Eve Jurgis worked till nearly one o’clock in the morning, and on Christmas Day he was on the killing beds at seven o’clock.”. Sinclair visually paints a picture in the reader's mind of how long the common working man’s hours were. The other right Sinclair spoke of was unfair pay when he wrote “All this was bad; and yet it was not the worst. For after all the hard work a man did, he was only paid for a part of it.”. Sinclair suggests how unethical the wages were with emotion. The reader can almost picture how little a laborer might get paid for his long hours of work. Sinclair united these two rights he thought laborers should fight for, into one powerful sentence.

In conclusion, Upton Sinclair has a strong opinion that the typical working man should quarrel for, and be granted more rights. When they get more rights, they boost their chance of supporting their families. Sinclair used his novel The Jungle to express many things about what life was

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