
What Are The Similarities Between Islam And Judaism

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Islam and Judaism, very alike, but very different religions. These religions are both monotheistic religions, meaning that they believe in one God. In Islam, followers know him by Allah, and Jews know him by YHWH. They are religions that consist of similar and different beliefs, and other aspects. The people that follow Islam and Judaism believe in different texts, have different perspectives of women, and have different “denominations” in which people are divided.
Every religion has different texts that the followers of the religion believe in. In Islam, the most sacred text is the Qur’an or “the recitation”. Muslims believe that this text is a revelation from God. The Qur’an contains the basic beliefs of Islam, including the existence of …show more content…

Some perspectives are good, and others are bad. But not only people have perspectives about women, but also religions. In Judaism and Islam women had few rights. Jewish women must obey their father or husband. They also couldn't choose their husband, their father chooses their husband. And Jewish women could only inherit property if they had no brothers. Some important Jewish women were Queen Esther, Judge Deborah, Miriam, and Ruth. These women were influential women because they saved their people from enemies. In Islam women were not worshiped, Jahiliyya means ignorance and it specifically refers to the pre-Islamic era of early Arabia. One of the most controversial topics while examining the Jahiliyya era is women. In the Qur’an there are two verses that refer to the act burying alive female newborns. One of the verses states “And when the girl (who was) buried alive is asked, for what sin she was killed.” (81:8-9). Women during Jahiliyya were viewed as a disgrace and burden upon the family. Women were usually viewed as a source of pleasure, and families got disappointed when a female was born. Killing their female newborns was one of their cruel ways of getting rid of this “shame”. Jews and Muslims do not view women equally as

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