
Who Is Odysseus An Epic Hero

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In Homer’s epic poem, “The Odyssey,” the central character Odysseus goes on a thrilling adventure. He faces death multiple times, defeats plenty of creatures, and overcomes many hardships. It’s evident that he’s a hero, but would he qualify as a traditional epic hero? Some of the most defining traits of an epic hero are bravery, being able to overcome darkness and come out a hero, and going on a quest or journey. By that definition, Odysseus qualifies as an epic hero. The most obvious quality of an epic hero that Odysseus has is that he goes on a journey. Really, the whole epic is about the whole journey he went on. More specifically, however, in the section “I am Laertes’ Son” (pg 983), Odysseus travels to Ismarus, and then he is eventually …show more content…

This quality is most evident in the section “Scylla and Charybdis” (pg 1009).Odysseus knows that if he goes through the strait, he and his men will be attacked. He has no other choice but to go through it, and pushes away his fear and reluctance to restore faith and courage into his hopeless men. He does something similar to this in “The Cyclops” (pg 992). Odysseus does not let being in the face of danger keep him from defeating the cyclops, a creature who had just eaten many of his men alive. Odysseus comes up with a plan and stabs the cyclops right in the eye. Because of his bravery, Odysseus and his men are able to escape from the horrible creature’s grasp. In “The Land of the Dead,” Odysseus literally faces death as he stands unshaken before the ominous souls of the deceased. The fact that Odysseus is able to do these things confidently shows just how brave he …show more content…

He goes through grief, fear, distress, intimidation, hopelessness, and loss and comes out victorious and successful each time. When Odysseus and his men fight against the main forces of Cicones in “I am Laertes’s Son”(pg 984), they lose a lot of companions. Even though his and his men’s hearts are grieving, they get on with the fight and defeat the the forces of Cicones. In “The Cyclops” (pg 99), Odysseus and his men are stuck in the cyclops’ cave. Many of Odysseus’ men are eaten alive, but he and his remaining men eventually escape. In “The Challenge” (1035), Odysseus is horribly teased and discouraged by the opposing suitors. He overcomes this slander, however, and wins Penelope’s challenge. Odysseus never lets the darkness fully envelop him, he always escapes it and comes out on

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