
Why Did Hillary Clinton Use Central Routes To Persuasion?

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Both of the candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, have a strong propensity to persuade, so they know how to use social psychology to their own advantages in their quest to achieve the majority of American votes. Clinton referenced her commitment and consistency, as well as reciprocity by mentioning her connection to the middle class when she was growing up. Likewise, Trump cited his commitment and consistency, authority, and was able to instill in the audience a social proof whenever he referenced business throughout the debate. By using her position as Secretary of State, Clinton was also successful at using social proofing and authority when speaking to the audience. Central routes to persuasion are extensively connected to the principles of authority and social proofing, so both candidates used statistics effectively to sound …show more content…

By complimenting certain communities and groups of people, both candidates utilized peripheral routes to persuasion, as well as liking in the debate. Scarcity was highlighted when Trump complimented himself in regards to his business know-how, while condemning Clinton for lacking this knowledge, and Clinton also demonstrated this principle by acting more diplomatic than he was through her calm persona. By making investments in communities, Trump is hoping that the voters in these areas will express their gratitude by reciprocating their votes, and Clinton also hopes that middle class voters will do the same since she has helped to make employment more available in the past

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