Basic Clinical Lab Competencies for Respiratory Care: An Integrated Approach - 5th Edition - by Gary C. White - ISBN 9781435453654

Basic Clinical Lab Competencies for Res...
5th Edition
Gary C. White
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9781435453654

Solutions for Basic Clinical Lab Competencies for Respiratory Care: An Integrated Approach

Book Details

A long time favorite, the fifth edition of BASIC CLINICAL LAB COMPETENCIES FOR RESPIRATORY CARE: AN INTEGRATED APPROACH continues to bring classroom theory to life at the bedside. Known for its integration of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, this book emphasizes the importance of assessment of need, contraindications, hazards/complications, monitoring, and outcomes assessment in respiratory care. Concise, direct, and easy to understand, this fifth edition has been updated to reflect recent advances in the field in order to ensure that readers have the knowledge and skills needed to practice the art and the science of respiratory care.

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