
Asian People Persuasive Speech

Decent Essays

Good morning Vivian, 5/8/18, 6:13 AM (ET)

Still not talking to me.

We are just going to live out the rest of our lives and wither up and die without enjoying each others company proving what? Nothing!

Throughout my life I've watched people of color make one humongous error in judgment after the other without ever facing the truth that there is a reason why White/Caucasian and Asian people are the technological and progressive leaders in the world.

Kanye West after meeting with president Trump stated with pride he doesn't read books, in his attempt to align himself with Trump, because in the news it's reported Trump doesn't read books. Some Blacks are so easy to fool just because they have come into more money than the average person they actually believe they are geniuses. If …show more content…

Dubai with all it's wealth is not wealthy because of their technological knowledge and inventions causing their advancements wealth wise, but only because other races of people from outside their country came in discovered their oil, established oil drilling and oil refineries that later the leaders of Dubai nationalized and took over the oil operation from the outsiders keeping the preponderance of the profits from the sale of oil for themselves and their people. If it wasn't for the oil they would be just another group of poor none white people.

People of color can't get pass their biases, excuses and a host of peccadilloes toward each other which prevent them from ever benefiting from each others knowledge and working together making those advances in all endeavors like whites and Asians.

What a waste of life and wellness it's only after becoming sick and/or feeble that some realized the enjoyment and achievements in life missed by not thinking for themselves, employing logic and common sense instead of allowing false pride to dictate the decisions he/she make in

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