
Case Study Of Renault

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Renault is French automotive manufacturer founded in 1899 by the Renault brothers in Boulogne Billancourt. The company is now employing about 127,000 people all around the world.
Since 1999, Renault is linked to the Japanese automotive manufacturer Nissan trough an alliance, to become the world fourth largest automotive group.

However, after several chess, the group decided to review its strategies and hire a new CEO. Therefore, the company hired Carlos Ghosn as the new CEO of the group. He quickly established a new strategy for Renault and he also wanted to implement a brand oriented strategy of a more global perspective than before.

In February 2014, Carlos Ghosn presented his mid-term review of the strategic plan for the group.
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Assess whether they are appropriate for the effective management of enterprise wide risks

As I mentioned above, suicides at Renault marked the minds of management team, but not only from a human point of view, also from a marketing point of view.
Indeed another suicide took place on the workplace at Renault Cleon near Rouen (France), the employee left a note before his suicide that said: “Thank you Renault, thank you for the years of pressure, blackmail to work at night... Where the right to strike does not exist, do not protest or you will receive threats...”
Renault denied all charges about this case. Since the current crisis at Renault and the new director, all seems less “politicized”.
Orders come mainly from new director, and he has almost full power to turn everything around, including more complex cadences of restructuration taking crisis apologize.
Renault previously was seen as a model for workers with many unions and full use, with many advantages.
Since this new direction, multiple suicides occurred, and more strikes appear to denounce the destruction of hundreds jobs.
Previously the dialogue between unions and management was cordial, it is now almost

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