
My Mother: The Best Mother

Decent Essays

My mother has many wonderful traits, but there's a few that stand out. First of all, her wisdom is outstanding. She provides great advice no matter the situation. Also, I'd say she has a positive mentality. She always has this optimistic point of view for everything. Ultimately, the trait that stands out in her the most is compassion. It's incredible the way she shows compassion towards everyone. Her way of demonstrating compassion is very unique. She always puts herself in everyone else's shoes, without naming their flaws. Overall, she the best mother I could have asked for.
Ever since day one, she has proven to be a wise woman. When preparing for a test she helps me by giving me useful advice on how to mentally prepare for it. When in doubt …show more content…

Without a doubt, I can say that compassion is what best defines my mother. She is always ethical and genuinely concerned for the welfare of others. She always encourages people that are in difficult situations. But the question is who encourages her when she's in difficult situations? It's just incredible how she manages to stand firm, even though she might be wanting to fall apart. In the day of December 19, 2014, everything went downhill. My little brother had caught the flu. My mother went ahead and bought some regular medicine for him. We thought everything was going to be alright since it was just the flu. We were greatly mistaken. My brother only seemed to be getting worse. We were a few days away from Christmas when this happened. We had so many plans so many expectations for the holidays. Unfortunately, things went south for us. We took my brother to the hospital to get him checked because his condition wasn’t improving. After an hour or two of sitting in the waiting room, the doctor came out and said that he was in a grave condition and needed to get transported immediately to San Antonio. At the time my mother's expression showed sadness. My brother was to be transported by an emergency helicopter. One of my parents had to go with him. My father instantly stepped up and said he was going. My mother accepted and said to him that we would follow him in the car. My dad and brother departed from the …show more content…

He gave us the hospitals name and we instantly looked it up in the GPS and my mother drove us there. We quickly ran up to the floor where my brother was being treated. As soon as we saw my father sitting in the waiting room my mother ran up him to ask him what did the doctors say about my brother. He said that due to his grave condition he had to be placed in intensive care. That as soon as my brother's condition stabilized, we would be able to see him. My mother was trying to be strong, I could see it in her eyes and in the way she talked. Since time was passing by and we were already tired, my father took us to a hotel and left us there. He then went back to the hospital with my mother. Days went by and little improvement was shown, things were beginning to look good. Nurses informed us that we were able to see my brother. But only two people can be in the room at once. So both of my parents went in first. Then after a while, my brothers and I went in. He was in a bed asleep, he looked tired and exhausted. We decided to leave and let him rest. Finally, a doctor came out the door and through the hallway looking for my parents. My mother quickly stood up and asked him how was my brother doing. The doctor said that my brother had the flu and two other viruses that he had encountered most probably in the previous hospital. My mother's face was sadness in every sense

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