
Parenting and Education During Early Childhood Essay example

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Parenting and Education during early childhood

Jan 4, 2012
Tra Ahia

Parenting and Education during early childhood This paper will discuss various forms of caregivers, parenting styles, and early childhood education. Topics covered are: • Evaluate the different types of parenting styles and their influence on development during infancy and early childhood. • Compare and contrast at least two different kinds of caregivers and the positive and/or negative impacts on development during infancy and early childhood. (examples: stay at home parent, daycare, grandparent, and nanny) • Discuss how early childhood education has evolved and its impact on cognitive development in early childhood. …show more content…

• Authoritarian parenting children may have less social competence due to the parent or parents telling the child what to do instead of allowing the child to make a choice. In some cases the demands are to forceful and resulted with the child or children to break down, rebel or run away. • Authoritative parenting is attentive to their children’s needs and will typically forgive and teach versus punishment for the child’s short comings. The result is the children have a higher self-esteem and independence. This is most recommended parenting style by experts. • Permissive parenting children tend to more impulsive and may engage in more misconduct as an adolescent. The children go on to never learn to control their own behavior and always expect to get their way. As in better cases they child may mature quickly and live a very dependent life. • Uninvolved parenting: children of uninvolved parents develop a sense that other aspects of the parents’ life are more important than they are. The child often attempt to provide for themselves, sometimes halt dependence on the parent to have a feeling of independence and mature beyond their years. Child from this environment often withdraw from social situations, this also impacts there relationships later on in life and they show patterns of truancy and delinquency. Studying these outcomes with any accuracy is very difficult, if not impossible,

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