
Persuasive Essay On Student Debt

Decent Essays

Because of the nation’s national rising debt, student loan forgiveness has been a significant topic of debate because of how much it can affect our nation’s debt and doesn’t always help the student. Student loan debt is one of the highest debt causes, but sometimes we forget that we are the ones that sign the line on the contract to be in years of debt. This is because we value our education. But this does not mean that just because we can’t find an amazing, high paying job right out of college that we should have our loans forgiven. We want the easy way out of something that isn’t easy, so why should the government pay for our debt? Yes, college is very expensive and that is the governments fault, but again we are the ones that signed the line on the loan papers. (Sam Adolphsen, 583)
Many students struggle and struggle to pay their loans back, some even into their late fifties. This both our faults and the governments fault. If tuition wasn’t as high we wouldn’t have so much debt, but again it was our choice to sign the papers for a lifetime of paying back the cost of our education. We value education, and that is why we agree to pay as much as we do. We hope to further our education so that somewhere down the line it pays us more than it originally cost. Because the more degrees we have, the better chance we have at a better job. But the government is responsible for raising their prices on tuition. By raising our tuition the teachers got raises on their checks. But sometimes our debt isn’t always worth it, a good amount of students drop out from college each year without finishing their degree but they still have to pay for the classes they took even though it doesn’t benefit them in the end because they have no degree. (Sam Adolphsen, 183)
The author states in the second paragraph of his essay that, “Under current law, when the feds…. make a loan, the size of the U.S budget deficit rises, and the government borrows additional funds, very often from foreign investors.” (Vedder, 170) The problem is that we as a country are in too much debt to be paying for other people’s debt who have the capability to pay it off on their own. A good solution for the problem could be to have people send in monthly reports of

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