
Steve Jobs ' Leadership Assessment

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Steve Jobs’ Leadership Assessment
Katina King
Brenau University Steve Jobs’ Leadership Assessment
Many organizations are successful because of the formulated relationships between its leaders and followers. These organizations spend countless amounts of money on new leadership training. However, researchers have been studying and debating leadership for centuries and there is still not a concrete definition for leadership. There are influential people such as Steve Jobs, former CEO of Apple Inc., whose life as a leader gives some interesting insight into leadership retrospectively. This paper will assess Jobs’ leadership through several leadership theories.
Traits (why traits failed) The Trait Theory leadership suggests that a person is born with qualities, which makes them an effective leader. Peter Northouse (2013) states, “a leader who is categorized through the trait theory is born with distinctive characteristics or traits which makes others see the person as “a born leader” (pg. 15). Steve Jobs has been called a born leader. However, Jobs was a visionary with a complex leadership style. He possessed a distinctive personality that represented a key factor in how he led Apple Inc. but his personality is not the only thing that made him a great leaders. Jobs’ main personal traits are highlighted as: passionate, flexible, impulsive, overly critical, obsessive perfectionist, highly intuitive charismatic, and egotist, free-spirit innovator, open-minded,

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