
The Importance Of Sharing An Underused Asset

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So you 've accepted the fact that your car is dangerously depreciating in value every second it 's parked in the driveway but, you still have questions.

We realised since launching our business early this year that concept of sharing an underused asset is new to many people!

Sure, sharing goods between family members and close friends has always been common practice. But how exactly did the idea of sharing and earning some extra cash from an existing asset become so easily accessible for everyone?

Advancement in technology and the rise of digital technology have led to laborious tasks becoming automated. For anyone that’s experienced the turmoil of “unexpected item in bagging area” during the weekly grocery shop, the changes not always a welcome edition to daily life. One positive result is the increased access to free information, meaning that consumers are much more informed and rely less on traditional marketplaces and in some cases can choose to deviate from them altogether. The cost to produce goods has gone down, and with many goods and services almost “free” this has led to a boost in efficiency and individuals starting to networking with each other.

While most people aren 't against the idea of the earning some extra cash by lending someone something they already own, they don 't want the hassle of taking care of all the little details or damage to their property and that’s where companies like us step in! In our case, our online platform enables users to

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