
The Pros And Cons Of Quantitative And Qualitative Research

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Quantitative and Qualitative Research
Quantitative and qualitative research generates from two different perspectives, and it provide different types of crucial information from the research subject. Qualitative research corresponds more with comprehensive and thorough descriptions of events, whereas quantitative research creates statistical models to explain events. Several advantages and disadvantages in qualitative and quantitative research, depends upon the researcher's purpose and area of focus and information that will answer those research questions (Creswell, (2013).

The nature of the information that was derived from the qualitative study was on the perceptions of a previous study done in the Michigan Health & Hospital Association Keystone Center shows a significant Catheter associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI ) rate due to decrease urinary catheter use. The study was conducted on the understanding that, in CAUTI prevention why some hospitals are more successful than others and also identify the key elements to promote CAUTI prevention activities. (Saint, Gaies, Fowler, Harrod, & Krein, 2014). The researchers conducted a qualitative study using site visits, interviews and created a CAUTI -specific guide to prevent safety(GPS) to conduct their own evaluation for each hospital. The data were collected and analyzed perceptions from each hospitals and identify the potential challenges and strategies for improvement which was collected from the feedback from

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