
The Suffocating Good-Old Days Revealed in Girl Essay

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The Suffocating Good-Old Days Revealed in Girl

Jamaica Kincaid’s story "Girl" allows readers a glimpse into the strict, demanding manner in which parents reared their children almost twenty years ago. Through Kincaid’s careful structuring of "Girl," readers capture the commanding tone of the story. The relationship between the mother and the girl also reeks of empowerment and distance, as best seen through the girl’s short-lived speech in the story. Most important, "Girl" shows readers how particular the lessons taught to the children two decades ago were.

The mother in "Girl" expects a great deal of her daughter, and she does not hesitate to let the girl know it. The fact that the two-page-story is entirely one sentence …show more content…

The girl’s comment is truly evidence of the mother’s expectation that her daughter be quiet and listen to the lecture, regardless of whether the girl knows the lessons already. Because the conversation between the mother and daughter is one-sided, it can be concluded that the entire relationship between the two is the same.

Undoubtedly, Kincaid’s most startling insight in "Girl" is the tremendous amount of detailed information the girl is being told. From proper table-setting to correct cooking methods to "womanly" walking, the girl’s lessons are many and extremely precise. As critic Wendy Dutton proclaims, "The reader gets the impression that the story is about a girl who is in training" (1173). Many of the phrases the mother spits out at the girl seem silly and unnecessary. The mother, for example, tells the girl "this is how you sweep a corner; this is how you sweep a whole house; this is how you sweep a yard" (1190). The exactness with which the mother preaches lessons to her daughter gives the impression that children grew up under the direction of a drill sergeant.

Clearly, Jamaica Kincaid’s story "Girl" represents a piece of history steeped in formalities and strictness. Yet, Kincaid’s tale of a mother-daughter everyday conversation suggests two things. Firstly, it would seem that

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