
The Theory Of Attachment Theory

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Attachment theory was advanced in 1951 by British psychoanalyst and psychiatrist John Bowlby. According to this theory infants have an inborn need to be close to their main caretaker. If the attachment is deprived from an infant Bowlby argued that the infant could suffer from negative impacts on their development. This could possibly imply that children places in early daycare will later in life suffer consequences for this.
The basis of attachment theory can be linked to Sigmung Freud 's (1926) cupboard love. Freud suggested that infants become attached to their main caretaker because the caretaker is able to satisfy the infants physiological needs. More specifically Freud believed an infant would attach themselves to the individual that is their source of food. In 1935 Austrian zoologist Konrad Lorenz 's research suggested that non-human species developed an instant bond with the first moving object they encounter. While Lorenz 's research was mainly centered around ducklings it touched on the idea that innate behaviours can strongly affect attachment.
In 1951 John Bowlby developed the concept of attachment theory. He argued that infants are genetically predisposed to form an attachment with their mothers. This statement was based off his study of children separated from their homes during World War Two, commissioned by the World Health Organization. Bowlby argued that the period between the child 's age of 6 months and 3 years was especially crucial towards this bond. Due

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