Running Head: WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? 1
What Would Jesus Do?
How Would Jesus Lead in Situations of Change?
Individual Assignment - Class Two
Shanda Steele
Summer 2016
What Would Jesus Do?
How Would Jesus Lead in Situations of Change?
As I think on how would Jesus lead in situations of change, I immediately began to think about many situations that I was forced to be a leader in. First, I began to think about as little girl, I was always placed in a leadership role among my brothers and sisters. Second, I began to to think about being force to lead in projects on my job, because many new that I would get the job done. Lastly, I thought about being placed
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Even when change was made by my parents, I was able to implement these orders to my siblings without any aggression from them. I compare this action to the way Jesus leads. For an example, Jesus did not just instruct the disciples to go and heal, feed, and witness to the sick. He went out as well, by showing them how to lead in situations as this. I also think about on the boat while Jesus rested, a storm came through and Peter almost drowned from fear. Jesus walked on the water, and showed Peter that there is no need fear.
Leading at Work As an employee, all I desired was to promote my company through my work performance, but without having to deal with people. For many years, this was the case until I was selected to lead certain projects that involved dealing with people. This was when change took place in my work performance, and I had no clue what I was in for. I had to make tough decisions, even though it compromised what I wanted. Decisions like placing those who were skilled on certain projects, and the same for others. Attitudes from other co workers increased, and I had to maintain my integrity in order to get the job done. Most of the time, change disrupts an atmosphere before it can flourish. One example of this is when left the temple of the teachers, and went to where the people were. He started another project that was more effective, by going out to the sinners to save them. He was not like, but because of this
As a result, Zwick (2002, p. 542) has noted that implementing change programmes in organisations that realise positive outcomes remain problematic for many organisations in the 21st century. Ayodeji & Oyesola (2011, p. 235) have postulated that organisational change is a dynamic process, which when taken poorly contribute to employee resistance to it, and eventually leads to failure of the whole process. 3|Page Organisation Behaviour; MGTS 1601; Individual Essay; Employee resistance to change Yuanli Zhang 43401163 Employees resist changes when they occur in the organisations for several reasons. Many organisations when they introduce changes are likely to stick to the ‘top-down organisational change’ process (Awasthy, Chandrasekaran & Gupta, 2011, pp.
What would Jesus do in regards to the social justice issue of immigration? Would he give immigrants a fair and unbiased opportunity in a new country, or would he turn his back towards these hopeful people? The Catholic Church teaches us that Jesus would support immigrants, live by the Catholic Social Justice Themes and the Christian Feminist model of Justice, and give these people a fighting chance in a new country. These ideologies represent hope, a more promising future for immigration, and a change in how we see one another.
Each of these phases incorporated Jesus as leading by example and with each new phase, a higher level of commitment is necessary. The goal of this demonstration is that through your example, they will learn and use your tools to translate into being successful leaders themselves.
It is important to enact changes that benefit the individuals because they are key elements to a successful business. As with any change that takes place, employees will often resist these changes because of fear of the unknown, skill obsolescence, threats to power, and just resisting change of any sort (Lunenburg& Ornstein 2012) . Management should improve the work environment, and this is a continuous process that is not successful if it is done for a small amount of time. The new ideals and practices should become part of the culture of the organization. No matter how superb the instruction or learning experiences, unless new knowledge and skills are transferred to and used on the job, they are nothing more than learning scrap (Jefferson,
Looking back from when I began my career, I can say I came a long way learning the concepts of understanding the expectations that arose from all my positions. In my first job just after graduating, I was appointed as a Business Accountant of a multinational company. Since then, I was caught in the myth that people who were in leadership positions or high ranking were leaders. Being in a junior position, I could have the least effect on any new ideas as my voice seems to have landed in deaf ears. I have seen how those businesses were not in line with their Missions and Values only to find later that many of the staff had left the company.
Some companies always go by same style of leadership even when the company is drifting apart
According to Kotter (1990), “Leadership seeks to produce organizational change by: developing a vision of the future and strategies for making necessary changes; communicating and explaining the vision, and motivating and inspiring people to attain the vision.”
Your favorite band is coming to town. Tickets are $100-$150, and you want to attend the concert and enjoy a special dinner beforehand. However, you have other financial obligations which include credit card bills, tuition, books, rent, car payment, a cell phone bill, etc. What would Jesus do? Jesus preaches a kingdom without living in excess or greed; he values the humble servant role. According to Matthew, Kraybill, and in class worksheets, Jesus would spend his money on financial obligations and not on a concert.
Even if I am just one individual and one leader, I want to be partake in the privilege that God has given me to enter into his ministry. If being a Young Life leader is His calling for my life, then I want to respond and help other kids find what their souls have been searching for. God has showered with so many blessings on me, both in and outside of YoungLife, and I want to give my time, energy, and heart to YoungLife’s ministry and most importantly, God. Although I know that leading will be difficult and I will have to sacrifice much, I know that it is nothing compared to the sacrifice of Jesus. Although I cannot physically lay down my life for these kids, I want to offer a picture of how God laid down His life for me and the world. I do not want my time as a YoungLife leader to be about myself. Even though it will be difficulty to maintain this mentality, I want my time being a Young Life leader to be about those whom we are ministering to and most importantly, Christ. Even if I can offer just a glimpse of His sacrifice and love, I know that my time and service at Young Life will be significant and
Atkinson (2014) believes effective leadership displays, “No person is less divine than another, and therefore no person is less than another” (p. 145). Throughout the bible, there are many people in scripture that God placed in leadership roles. Jesus, David, Moses, Paul, Peter, Abraham and many others are some of those leaders. There are core attributes discussed in the lecture that personally reflect my opinion of what an effective leader of Christ needs such as, a shared vision, model of the way, empowerment of others, challenge of the process, and encouragement of the heart.
Although employees have their unique differences regarding resisting change in the workplace, researchers have identified some macro-factors that affect change in an organization. At an individual level some core factors that may influence change are self-esteem, level of optimism, and perceived control. At an organizational level, insufficient information, lack of participation in the process, social support, and personal impact of change figure among the elements that may hinder change in the workplace (Wanberg & Banas, 2000). In studies conducted by Taylor and Brown (1988) results showed that although change is distressful, openness to change was found to be associated with high levels of self-esteem, optimism, and perceived control. They argue that individuals with these features attempt to see change in the best light
When it comes to authority figures I think my parents were trying to teach us to act with integrity and not let others think for us or tell us what to do. At first my family seemed to be deontological; when I was younger, I followed these rules because that is what I was taught to do. Today these values appear to be virtuous to me, I now do these things because it is something a good person would do and I prefer to be a good person.
Servant leadership from a Christian perspective is a replica of what Jesus Christ symbolizes. Jesus was a servant because he showed truth, vision, humility, commitment, teacher to his followers, and brought about change; he was a suffering servant, yet was merciful, he was a teacher, yet willing to be taught by the Holy Spirit. “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”
There are many people in scripture that God has placed in leadership roles. Jesus himself, David, Moses, Paul, Peter, Abraham and many others are some of those leaders. There are core attributes discussed in the lecture that personally reflect my opinion of what an effective leader of Christ needs such as, a shared vision, model of the way, empowerment of others, challenge of the process, and encouragement of the heart. Leaders establish a model of the way others should be treated and how goals should be pursued, with standards and examples of what others should follow by exemplifying God’s example. Christian leaders inspire a shared vision to make a difference
You may not lead a company, group, etc but you will fulfill this role in your personal life. An awesome point that the Holy Spirit laid on my heart while compiling the action words list. Jesus is a leader and he performs these roles on daily basis for everyone. He died for all mankind, and he offers his leadership to all mankind, but we must submit to his required standards. He can’t lead us if we will not follow, remember he is a great leader so he will not force us to follow him. He leads by example. He created a system