
What Would Jesus Do?

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What Would Jesus Do?

How Would Jesus Lead in Situations of Change?

Individual Assignment - Class Two

Shanda Steele

Summer 2016



What Would Jesus Do?

How Would Jesus Lead in Situations of Change?

As I think on how would Jesus lead in situations of change, I immediately began to think about many situations that I was forced to be a leader in. First, I began to think about as little girl, I was always placed in a leadership role among my brothers and sisters. Second, I began to to think about being force to lead in projects on my job, because many new that I would get the job done. Lastly, I thought about being placed …show more content…

Even when change was made by my parents, I was able to implement these orders to my siblings without any aggression from them. I compare this action to the way Jesus leads. For an example, Jesus did not just instruct the disciples to go and heal, feed, and witness to the sick. He went out as well, by showing them how to lead in situations as this. I also think about on the boat while Jesus rested, a storm came through and Peter almost drowned from fear. Jesus walked on the water, and showed Peter that there is no need fear.
Leading at Work As an employee, all I desired was to promote my company through my work performance, but without having to deal with people. For many years, this was the case until I was selected to lead certain projects that involved dealing with people. This was when change took place in my work performance, and I had no clue what I was in for. I had to make tough decisions, even though it compromised what I wanted. Decisions like placing those who were skilled on certain projects, and the same for others. Attitudes from other co workers increased, and I had to maintain my integrity in order to get the job done. Most of the time, change disrupts an atmosphere before it can flourish. One example of this is when left the temple of the teachers, and went to where the people were. He started another project that was more effective, by going out to the sinners to save them. He was not like, but because of this

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