
quantitative and qualitative research approach

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The issue of quantitative and qualitative research approach has been discussed widely nowadays. Some people believe quantitative research approach is trustworthy than qualitative research approach. This essay will discuss the features of quantitative and qualitative research, and the reason why people believe quantitative research approach is trustworthy than qualitative research approach.

Both quantitative and qualitative researches have been used as research approach recently. (What is the purpose of this para??)(Combine with the first para?)

As Fred Kerlinger (1999) has mentioned about quantitative research, “There's no such thing as qualitative data. Everything is either 1 or 0”, quantitative research approach is an approach …show more content…

Firstly, most of the researchers need to interact with people during collecting data. As researchers use tools such as questionnaires and interviews to collect data, they must interact with interviewees during the process. Although both of them ask questions in different ways, they are able to arrive at the desired answer through interacting with people.

Besides, although qualitative research used verbal data to proceed their research mainly, sometimes numerical data is used. For instance, to determine how individual feels, opinion data is commonly used in the progress in qualitative research, using numbers one to five to find how individuals feel. It is a kind of numerical data since it produce numerical outcome, which researchers use to summarize the research. In addition, researchers need to use numerical data to support their hypothesis before conducting their research. If their hypothesis has no data to support, the credibility of it will be limited. Therefore, numerical data will be used in both of the research to support their argument.

Moreover, researchers need to use their own data to develop their research and support their hypothesis. Although second hand resources may helpful to their research, it may be outdated or not appropriate to the research. Hence, primary data is important for

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