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James Wood, comp. Dictionary of Quotations. 1899.


Clemency alone makes us equal with the gods.

Diis proximus ille est / Quem ratio, non ira movet—He is nearest to the gods whom reason, not passion, impels.

Eheu! quam brevibus pereunt ingentia causis!—Alas! what trifling causes often wreck the vastest enterprises.

Fallitur, egregio quisquis sub principe credit / Servitium. Nunquam libertas gratior extat / Quam sub rege pio—Whoso thinks it slavery to serve under an eminent prince is mistaken. Liberty is never sweeter than under a pious king.

Fortunæ majoris honos, erectus et acer—An honour to his elevated station, upright and brave.

He who strikes terror into others is himself in continual fear.

Hic patet ingeniis campus, certusque merenti / Stat favor: ornatur propriis industria donis—Here is a field open for talent, and here merit will have certain favour, and industry be graced with its due reward.

In cœlo nunquam spectatum impune cometam—A comet is never seen in the sky without indicating disaster.

Ingeniis patuit campus, certusque merenti / Stat favor: ornatur propriis industria donis—The field is open to talent and merit is sure of its reward. The gifts with which industry is crowned are her own.

Inquinat egregios adjuncta superbia mores—The best manners are stained by the addition of pride.

Mars gravior sub pace latet—A more serious war lies concealed under a show of peace.

Minuit præsentia famam—Acquaintanceship lessens fame.

Natura beatis / Omnibus esse dedit, si quis cognoverit uti—Nature has granted to all to be happy, if we but knew how to use her gifts.

Nec tibi quid liceat, sed quid fecisse decebit / Occurrat—And let it not concern you what you may do, but what you ought to do.

Nunquam libertas gratior extat / Quam sub rege pio—Liberty is never more enjoyable than under a pious king.

Qui terret plus ipse timet—He who terrifies others is himself in continual fear.

Sed quum res hominum tanta caligine volvi / Adspicerem, lætosque diu florere nocentes, / Vexarique pios: rursus labefacta cadebat / Religio—When I beheld human affairs involved in such dense darkness, the guilty exulting in their prosperity, and pious men suffering wrong, what religion I had began to reel backward and fall.

Semper inops, quicunque cupit—He who desires more is always poor.

Vivitur exiguo melius: natura beatis / Omnibus esse dedit, si quis cognoverit uti—Men live best upon a little: nature has ordained all to be happy, if they would but learn how to use her gifts.

Vivunt in Venerem frondes, etiam nemus omne per altum / Felix arbor amat; nutant ad mutua palmæ / Fœdera, populeo suspirat populus ictu, / Et platani platanis, alnoque assibilat alnus—The leaves live to love, and over the whole lofty grove each happy tree loves; palm nods to palm in mutual pledge of love; the poplar sighs for the poplar’s embrace; plane whispers to plane, and alder to alder.In anticipation of the sexual system of Linnæus.