Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
Astrophel and StellaL. Stella! the fulness of my thoughts of thee
Sir Philip Sidney (1554–1586)S
Cannot be stayed within my panting breast;
But they do swell and struggle forth of me
Till that in words, thy figure be exprest.
And yet as soon as they so formèd be,
According to my lord L
With sad eyes, I their weak proportion see,
To portrait that which in this world is best.
So that I cannot choose but write my mind;
And cannot choose but put out what I write;
While these poor babes their death in birth do find.
And now my pen, these lines had dashed quite,
But that they stopt his fury from the same;
Because their forefront bare sweet S