Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
Astrophel and StellaXLIX. I, on my horse; and Love on me, doth try
Sir Philip Sidney (1554–1586)I,
Our horsemanships: while by strange work I prove
A horseman to my horse, a horse to L
And now man’s wrongs in me poor beast! descry.
The reins wherewith my rider doth me tie
Are Humbled Thoughts, which bit of Reverence move;
Curbed in with Fear, but with gilt boss above
Of Hope, which makes it seem fair to the eye.
The wand is Will, thou Fancy saddle art,
Girt fast by Memory; and while I spur
My horse, he spurs with Sharp Desire my heart.
He sits me fast, however I do stir;
And now hath made me to his hand so right,
That in the menage myself takes delight.