Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
Parthenophil and ParthenopheOde 12. One night, I did attend my sheep
Barnabe Barnes (1569?–1609)O
Which I, with watchful ward, did keep
For fear of wolves assaulting:
For, many times, they broke my sleep,
And would into the cottage creep,
Till I sent them out halting!
(What time clear C
Beneath, I heard a rumbling!
At first, the noise did me affright;
But nought appearèd in my sight,
Yet still heard something tumbling.
And then myself crossed three times thrice;
Hence, a sharp sheephook raught
I feared the wolf had got a prize;
Yet how he might, could not devise!
I, for his entrance sought.
A little boy did naked lie
Frettished, amongst the flock:
I, him approachèd somewhat nigh.
He groaned, as he were like to die;
But falsely did me mock!
Good master, help me, if you may!
For I am almost starved!”
I pitied him, when he did pray;
And brought him to my couch of hay.
But guess as I was served!
Well gilded with fine painter’s art;
And had a pile of steel.
On it I lookèd every part:
Said I, “Will this pile wound a heart?”
“Touch it!” quoth he, “and feel!”
Eftsoons it piercèd to the joint!
And rageth now so fierce,
That all the balms which it anoint
Cannot prevail with it, a point;
But it mine heart will pierce.