Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
Parthenophil and ParthenopheSestine 3. You loathed fields and forests
Barnabe Barnes (1569?–1609)Y
Infected with my vain sighs!
You stony rocks, and deaf hills,
With my complaints, to speak taught!
You sandy shores, with my tears,
Which learn to wash your dry face!
The state of blasted forests!
If you would learn to shed tears,
Or melt away with oft sighs;
You shall, of me, be this taught,
As I sit under these hills,
Laid grovelling on my lean face!
My sheep, of me to bleat taught;
And to wander through the forests!
The sudden winds learn my sighs!
Swift scuddeth by the high hills,
And sees me spent with long sighs,
And views my blubbered lean face;
Yet leaves me to the forests,
Whose solitary paths taught
These sorrows, sighs, and salt tears
Fit solitary forests!
These outcries meet for deaf hills!
These tears, best fitting this face!
This air, most meet for these sighs!
Such sorrows, they to die taught!
Which printed are in thy face,
Whose furrows made with much tears!
You stony rocks! and high hills!
You sandy shores! and forests!
You! whom I nothing else taught,
But groanings! tears! and sad sighs!