Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations. 1989.
Italy to Language
Italy, 916break-down in I. followed by fascism, 2046
contempt upon the lips of the manhood of … I., 2089
Her Brain, her Soul, her Sword, 915
is doing everything possible to disunite us, 1721I’ve
been to the other side of the mountain, 577
heard the owl, 577
looked over and I’ve seen the promised land, 572
seen the elephant, 577
See also I and I’mJackass
can kick a barn down, 268
impertinent letters from a j. like you, 302Jail
sentence is no longer a dishonor, 221Japan
is the one enemy, 2057
United States … was suddenly and deliberately attacked by … J., 2066Jaw-Jaw
to j. is always better than to war-war, 1914Jaws
of that which feeds them, 942Jay
hasn’t got any more principle than a Congressman, 305Jay, John (1745–1829), 930Jay Treaty, 792Jealous
are the gods, 1781Jefferson Day, 695Jefferson Memorial, Washington, D.C.
inscriptions, 178, 397, 667, 1062, 1844Jefferson, Thomas (1743–1826), 43, 65, 823, 1719
epitaph, 546
Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom, 546, 669Jenkins Hill, Washington, D.C., 161Jeopardy
If the government is in j., 442Jests
indebted to his memory for his j., 1175Jesus Christ, 916–921, 1059
life and death of J. are those of a god, 920
nativity of the young Lord J., 921
when men believe the vote of Judas as good as that of J. C., 415Jewel
give us that precious j. [liberty], and you may take every thing else, 1060
in the world comparable to learning, 1001Jeweled
ideas, 129Jewish
lawyers for Jews, 1015Jews
Hitler attacked the J., 1749Joan of Arc, Saint (c. 1412–1431), 1400Job
we will finish the j., 2051Jobs
stuck to their j., 1356Jocund
vein of j. malice, 24John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, inscriptions, 96–98, 104, 1632, 1753John F. Kennedy International Airport, inscription, 1770Johnson, Lyndon Baines (1908–1973), 1517–1518Johnston, Sarah Bush. See Lincoln, Sarah Bush (Johnston).Join
If you can’t lick ’em, j. ’em, 257Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1967Joke
every time they make a j. it’s a law, 271
every time they make a law it’s a j., 271Jokes
of Congress, 278
when he makes j., 1175Jones, John Paul (1747–1792), 65
funeral, 886Journalism
in America, the President reigns … and J. governs, 1524
probing j., 1522Journey
of a thousand miles, 1533Jove
birth of Minerva from the brain of J., 813Joy, 922–923
comes from loving God and neighbor, 923
deepest j. that can be felt by man, 1963
I’m youth, I’m j., 2085
is not the same as pleasure or happiness, 923
is steady and abiding, like a fixed star, 923
Love … changes worthless things to j., 1132Joy’s
soul lies in doing, 12Judas Iscariot
men believe the vote of J. as good as that of Jesus Christ, 415
was nothing but a low, mean premature Congressman, 306Judge
among the nations, 1956
[historian should be] an impartial j., 1748
history the final j. of our deeds, 7
of a form of government by its general tendency, not by happy accidents, 736
what to do, and how to do it, 936
Young men are fitter to invent, than to j., 2084Judged
being j. not to have lived, 1088
by one standard, 933
society can be j. by entering its prisons, 1527Judges, 924–930
after they are seventy, 928
are apt to be naif, simple-minded men, 925
Constitution is what the j. say it is, 328
English j. look like rats peeping through bunches of oakum, 927
like people, may be divided roughly into four classes, 929
should be withdrawn from their bench, 926
who possess both head and a heart, 929
with head but no heart, 929
with heart but no head, 929Judging
its gifts by their covering, cast them away, 1467Judgment, 931–937
act to the best of my j., 300
danger of the j., 605
Final j. upon them can only be recorded by history, 253
form a correct j. between them, 935
high court of history sits in j., 1604
historical j. upon a man, 1231
in j. weak, 2092
In the last analysis sound j. will prevail, 932
let j. run down as waters, 931
not measures of moral j., 627
of death, 934
on wrong conduct, 934
One cool j., 937
owes you, not his industry only, but his j., 280
slight, 2092
truly men of j., 1604
vote as my conscience and j. dictates, 262
which will then be pronounced on the uneducated, 505Judicial
sooner or later turn into a j. one, 1429Judiciary, 938–944
bodies were supposed to be the most helpless and harmless members of the government, 940
constitution … is a mere thing of wax in the hands of the j., 330
constitution of the federal j., 941
great object of my fear is the federal j., 942
independent of a king or executive alone, is a good thing, 943
is the safeguard of our liberty and of our property, 328
of the United States is the subtle corps of sappers and miners, 943June
what is so rare as a day in J., 2072Juries
can censor, suppress, and punish, 167Just
cause, 1909
do that which is j., 956
God who presides over the destinies of nations, 1061Justice, 945–963
among nations might prevail, 1733
And then the j., / In fair round belly, 1158
blow against freedom and decency and j., 1746
cannot sleep forever, 1062
cruelty, not j., 959
degree to which j. is carried out, 957
delayed is j. denied, 954
deviate nothing from j., 956
even-handed j. to all, 961
God’s j. cannot sleep forever, 1062
in the life and conduct of the State, 963
is itself the great standing policy of civil society, 948
is never given; it is exacted, 960
is truth in action, 952
law secures equal j. to all alike, 1568
make this thy dwelling place, 955
Moderation in the pursuit of j. is no virtue, 581
no republic where there is no j., 946
no right where there is no j., 946
principle or quality of dealing fairly with others, 1364
single wrong to j., 958
though her dome [doom] she does prolong, 962
time will do us j., 1560
virtues of courage, honor, j., 58
voiceless, unseen, seeth thee when thou sleepest, 945
when expelled from other habitations, 955
without mercy if I fail to show mercy, 1490Justice Department. See United States, Department of Justice.Justly
Do j., and to love mercy, 947Kaiser Wilhelm. See Wilhelm II.Katydid
apostrophe to a k., 631Kean College of New Jersey, inscription, 1799Kennedy Center. See John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.Kennedy International Airport. See John F. Kennedy International Airport.Kennedy, Jacqueline (1929– ), 2007Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (1917–1963), 900
presidential election debates, 508Kennedy, Joseph Patrick (1888–1969), eulogy, 109Kentucky, 964
first rate land in K., 554
like that boy in K., who stubbed his toe, 399
politics—the damnedest in K., 964Kick
the government around, 743Kicks
lick the boot that k. them, 906Kill
let’s k. all the lawyers, 1017
Thou shalt not k., 1804–1805
time to k., and a time to heal, 1810Kills
it [truth] k. us when we betray it, 1833“Kind Words Can Never Die” (gospel hymn), 1727King
acknowledge no k., 1748
conspiracies against their country or k., 1690
do that which befits a k., 956
half the zeal I serv’d my k., 705
Heroin is my shepherd, 852
refuses in any circumstances to fight for K. and Country, 2089
strangle the last k. with the guts of the last priest, 965King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1929–1968), 65
eulogy by Robert F. Kennedy, 1864, 1995Kingcraft, 1703Kings, 965
arguments that k. have made for enslaving the people, 1703
had always been involving and impoverishing their people in wars, 1495
having cut off the head of one of their k., 1598
last arguments to which k. resort, 1921
no rope to strangle k., 965
of cabbages—and k., 1811
of the earth, 1361
power of K., 1453
where k. have always stood, 1495Kiss
betrayed with a k., 1921Kitchen
can’t stand the heat, get out of the k., 1513Knew
I k. something useful, 1606Knot
cut the k. rather than unravel it, 1448Know
all the people worth knowing in America, 1680
better to k. nothing, 966
not what he doesn’t k. that bothers me, 966
so much that ain’t so, 966
what you do k. and what you don’t, 486
where we are, 936
wisdom to k. what we did not k., 1604Knowing
court doubt and darkness as the cost of k., 1127
his limitations, 1097
how to use the information you get, 486
is the measure of man, 1086
less that is false, 966
more that is new, 966Knowledge, 966–974
being necessary to good government, 55
Benefits of education and of useful k., 489
catharsis of k. and conviction, 67
comes, but wisdom lingers, 973
establishment for the increase and diffusion of k., 972
follow k. like a sinking star, 575
in his k. that man has found his greatness and his happiness, 972
increase and diffusion of k. among men, 1710
investment in k., 967
men who have neither the right nor the k., 747
no learning so excellent … as k. of laws, 1001
of her faults, 1460
Perplexity is the beginning of k., 968
rather than [want] of k., 2094
should not be viewed as existing in isolated parts, 1663
subtracting from the sum of human k., 970
true k. is achieved, 1317
will forever govern ignorance, 969
without character, 1697Knows
what he k. for sure just ain’t so, 966Korea, 65, 1968La Bruyère, Jean de (1645–1696), 362Labels
I don’t believe in l., 1396Labor, 975–981
-doing machines, 981
grace to l. for, 1471
is prior to, and independent of, capital, 979
is the superior of capital, 979
long, 2022
press down upon the brow of l. this crown of thorns, 27
productive l., which is what gives money its value, 1203
quid pro quo for l., 986
robs l. of its bread, 1209
-saving machines, 981
system of l. where there can be a strike, 1776
understand what American l. means, 987
U.S. commissioner, 1541Labor unions, 982–987
have meant new dignity and pride to millions, 987Labor’s
sheltered in l. house, 985
supped at l. table, 985Labors
of thirtie or fortie honest and industrious men, 2031
prevent the government from wasting the l. of the people, 727
under coercion to satisfy another’s desires, 1705Lady
without whom I should never have survived, 2006Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du Motier de, 897Laissez faire, 147, 414Lamar, Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus (1825–1893), 1447Lame
Science without religion is l., 1662Lamp
I have … but one l. by which my feet are guided, 571
I lift my l. beside the golden door, 1770
of experience, 571
one l. lights another, 1251Lance
lay a l. in rest, 4Land
Bless our l. with honourable industry, 1468
fruitfull and delightsome l., 189
I would not change my native l., 351
of lost content, 2093
of slander and scare, 62
of sly innuendo, 62
of smash and grab and anything to win, 62
of the dead, 1136
of the living, 1136
This is my own, my native l., 1310
was ours before we were the land’s, 475
without ruins … memories … history, 857Landlady
for a l. considering a lodger, 1365Landmarks
Great men are … l. in the state, 816Landscapes
vulgarizing charming l. with hideous advertisements, 313Language
of the heart, 922
separated by the same l., 539
those idiots [never did] understand their own l., 88