Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class III. Words Relating to MatterSection I. Matter in General
4. Motion with Reference to Direction
318. World.
NOUN:WORLD, creation, nature, universe; earth, globe, wide world; cosmos or kosmos; Midgard; terraqueous globe, sphere; macrocosm, megacosm; music of the spheres.HEAVENS, sky, welkin [archaic], empyrean; starry -cope, – heaven, – host; firmament, caelum [L.], hyaline, supersensible regions; varuna [Skr.]; vault -, canopy- of heaven; celestial spaces.
HEAVENLY BODIES, luminaries, stars, asteroids; nebulæ; galaxy, Milky Way, galactic circle, via lactea [L.].
sun, orb of day, day-star [poetic], Helios, Apollo, Phœbus (sun god) [See Luminary]; photosphere, chromosphere; solar system; planet, planetoid; Venus, Aphrodite Urania, Hyades; comet; satellite; moon, orb of night, Diana, Luna, Phœbe, Cynthia, Selene, “glimpses of the moon” [Hamlet], silver-footed queen; aërolite, meteor; falling -, shooting- star; meteorite, uranolite.
constellation, zodiac, signs of the zodiac; Charles’s Wain, The Dipper; Great Bear, Ursa Major; Little Bear, Ursa Minor; Southern Cross, Orion’s Belt, Cassiopeia’s Chair, Pleiades.
colures, equator, ecliptic, orbit.
[SCIENCE OF HEAVENLY BODIES] astronomy; uranography, uranology; uranometry, cosmology, cosmography, cosmogony; eidouranion, orrery; geodesy (measurement) [See Measurement]; star-gazing; observatory; planetarium.
COSMOLOGIST, cosmographer, cosmogonist, geodesist, geographer; astronomer, star-gazer.
ADJECTIVE:COSMIC or cosmical, mundane; terrestrial, terrestrious [obs.], terraqueous, terrene, terreous, [obs.]; fluvioterrestrial, geodesic or geodesical, geodetic or geodetical, cosmogonal, cosmogonic, cosmographic or cosmographical; telluric, earthly, under the sun; sublunary, subastral.
SOLAR, heliacal; lunar; empyreal, celestial, heavenly, sphery; starry, stellar, stellary, bespangled, sidereal; sideral, astral; nebular; uranic.
ADVERB:in all creation, on the face of the globe, here below, under the sun.
- Die Weltgeschichte ist das Weltgesicht.
- Earth is but the frozen echo of the silent voice of God.—Hageman
- Green calm below, blue quietness above.—Whittier
- Hanging in a golden chain this pendent World.—Paradise Lost
- Nothing in nature is unbeautiful.—Tennyson
- Silently as a dream the fabric rose.—Cowper
- Some touch of nature’s genial glow.—Scott
- This majestical roof fretted with golden fire.—Hamlet
- Through knowledge we behold the World’s creation.—Spenser