Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class V. Words Releasing to the Voluntary PowersDivision (II) Intersocial Volition
Section IV. Possessive Relations
2. Transfer of Property
785. Receiving.
NOUN:RECEIVING &c. v.; acquisition [See Acquisition]; reception (introduction) [See Reception]; suscipiency [rare], acceptance, admission.RECIPIENT, receiver, suscipient [rare], accipient; assignee, devisee; legatee, legatary; grantee, feoffee, donee, relessee, lessee.
BENEFICIARY, sportulary [obs.], stipendiary; pensioner, pensionary; almsman.
INCOME (receipt) [See Receipt].
VERB:RECEIVE; take [See Taking]; acquire [See Acquisition]; admit.
POCKET; take in, catch, touch; put into one’s -pocket, – purse; accept; take off one’s hands.
BE RECEIVED; come in, come to hand; pass -, fall- into one’s hand; go into one’s pocket; fall to one’s -lot, – share; come -, fall- to one; accrue; have given &c. (784) to one.
ADJECTIVE:RECEIVING &c. v.; recipient, suscipient [rare]; stipendiary, stipendarian, pensionary.
RECEIVED &c. v.; given [See Giving]; secondhand.
NOT GIVEN, unbestowed &c. (see give, bestow [See Giving]).