Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Psalme CXXVCX. William Kethe
As mount Sion shall firmely stand,
And be remoued at no hand;
The Lord will count them right and iust,
So that they shall be sure
For euer to endure.
Jerusalem about doe close,
So will the Lord be vnto those
Who on his godly will doe wayte.
Such are to him so deare,
They neuer neede to feare.
By making wicked men his rod;
Least they for griefe forsake their God,
It shall not as their lot still be.
Giue, Lord, to those thy light,
Whose hearts are true and right.
By crooked wayes which they out sought,
The Lord will surely bring to nought;
With works most vyle they shall abide:
But peace with Israël
For euermore shall dwell.