Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Psalme CXXVCXI. Robert Wisdom
Vpon the Lord our God onely,
And fly to him for his defence
In all their neede and misery,
Their faith is sure firme to endure,
Grounded on Christ the corner-stone;
Moued with none ill, but standeth still,
Stedfast like to the mount Sion.
The mighty hils do it compasse,
So that no enemy commeth to them,
To hurt that towne in any case;
So God in deed in euery need
His faithfull people doth defend,
Standing them by assuredly,
From this time forth world without end.
And will not suffer certeinely
The sinner’s and vngodlye’s rod
To tary vpon his family;
Least they also from God should go,
Falling to sin and wickednesse:
O Lord, defend, world without end,
Thy christian flocke through thy goodnes.
That stedfast in thy word abide
Such as willingly from God fall,
And to false doctrine daily slide,
Such will the Lord scatter abroad,
With hipocrites throwne downe to hell;
God will them send paines without end:
But, Lord, graunt peace to Israël.
And to the Sonne our Sauiour,
And to the Holy Ghost, whose light
Shine in our harts and vs succour;
That the right way, from day to day,
We may walke and him glorifie:
With hart’s desire all that are here
Worship the Lord, and say Amen.