Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
StanzasCXXIV. Gregory Scott
From that it was before!
Where righteousnes sometime did syt,
Now bloudshed raygneth more.
For Truth therein did dwell:
A faythfull citie once it was,
And others did excell.
Where fayth dyd then abound:
Their wicked and most lothsome liues
Throughout the world doth sound.
A sincke of filthy synne:
Few errours haue the Church infect,
That dyd not there begynne.
What place could once be found,
That free was from infection?
In Europe none was found.
It creepeth ouer all:
Herein that wicked mother-churche
We may to witnes call;
And from the perfect waye,
Hath ever synce more errours bred,
And further gone astraye.
Here brieflie to intreate;
But not of all, for that were much,
The number is so greate:
By whom mayntayned they bee,
Might some perceiue (so plain they are),
If eyes you had to see.
The glorie of the immortall God,
Whose shape was neuer sene,
To images of mortall men
Thus have you chaunged cleane.
Of God they can be none;
For he doth lyue euen of hymselfe,
And geueth lyfe alone.
Nor cannot moue at all;
It cannot once get up agayne,
If that it chaunce to fall.
And measured cannot bee;
His breadth, his length, how can you shew
In mettall, stone, or tree?
Such thought haue not in mynde;
God is a spirit, and who can
An image thereof finde?
In image wrought by arte,
In substance, nor in outward fourme,
Nor any other part.
Reprochefull unto God,
Whereby the Godhead you compare
Unto a piece of wood.
The tree doth lift itselfe aloft,
That hath least fruit theron;
But where great plenty groweth most,
It boweth down anon.
No goodnes we haue here:
Though we lyue well, yet euermore
Let us fall downe in feare.
But for his mercie’s sake,
To God in tyme of troubles great
Our prayers we will make.
We all be created;
So let us warely walke therein,
As God hath ordayned;
Renude in hart and mynde,
Least unto Christ our Sauiour
We shew our selues unkynde;
Not to our selues to lyue,
But unto him, his lyfe for us
That did so freely gyue.
And blesse us plenteously;
The brightnes of thy countenance
Shew us continually.
And euer thinke thereon,
And that all nations here may know
Thy sauing health alone.