
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

A Prayer

CXXV. Christopher Lever

LORD Jesus, let thy holy eyes reflect

Their influence vpon my earthen state:

Thy heauenly presence is a faire aspect;

There doth my soule delight to speculate:

For by those starres I best can calculate

My lot of grace, which neuer is deni’d

To him that viewes this Christ thus crucifi’d,

But O! the organ of this holy speech

That breatheth life to euery faithfull eare!

This holy one his holy word did preach;

He giues for nothing what would cost vs deare,

And makes assurance where before was feare.

Lord Iesus, giue me knowledge in thy teaching;

I shall lesse neede these times’ contentious preaching.

His breath he formeth into holy prayer,

Which doth ascend the throne of maiestie:

For vs poore men all his petitions were;

He aduocates for vs perpetuallie.

Thinke ye the Father will his Sonne denie?

What neede I for more Intercessors care,

When holy Christ doth intercede his prayer?

Thou splendor of thy Father’s maiestie;

Thou God of God; thou man, all men’s redeemer;

Thou king of Iewes, thou Christ they crucifie;

Thou one wherein all graces treasured are;

Thou mercifull, thou all, thou euery where;

To thee, O Sauiour Iesus! I repaire;

Exhibite, Lord, my pardon in thy prayer.

Pardon my youthfull sinning, and my old;

Pardon my secrete and reuealed ones;

Pardon my errours, that be manifold;

Pardon committings and omitions;

Pardon my nature stayned with corruptions.

Lord, pardon all, in all I haue offended;

Thy pardon free, to all be it extended.