Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
StanzasCXXVI. John Phillip
Of cruell carelesse sorte,
To raunge with rage, whose chollor hot
They deeme a sweete disporte?
In euery corner now
Such tidinges straunge, as scarsly they
In triall dare auow?
They dayly do imploy;
To sclaunder truth and godly men
They take exceeding ioy.
Regarding nought at all;
Some liue in hope againe to see
The worship of God Baall.
As peruerse Papistes will:
They spit their poison where they please,
As Hydra’s whelps full ill.
Their equals forth to finde;
And oft in Paules they parley forth
Their spiteful cankered minde.
And then their mindes they say:
But partinge then, “Adew,” saithe one,
“Unto the golden day:
And purpose come to passe;
And eke enioy, as wee doo wish,
Our long-desired masse.
The broode that Luther bred:
Olde custome shall supplie the Churche,
Whiche errour now hath fed.”
In secret muttringe sorte;
Not basshing suche pernitious talke
To parley and reporte.
Might haue the rulinge sway;
Who (as they boast) shall them restoare
Unto there golden day.
Might quite eclips the Sunne:
And thus before their wittes, wee see,
Some Papistes’ tounges doo runne.
And beare away the game:
But yet his combe may hap be cut,
For practisinge the same.
Of Bonner made account,
To throne of London’s rule againe
In golden day should mount;
The cuckoe’s songe to singe;
Or els with faggottes’ fine flames
To ruine them to bringe.
Which vainely fed their minde:
And unto his elected churche
A pleadge of loue assinde.
To haue there golden day,
Then God by death did ouerthrowe
The piller of their staye.
As men that wanted braynes;
And sobbingly did shewe by sighes
Their straunge tormenting paynes.
That longe in hope did liue:
Yea, some did showe with streames,
What griefe his death did giue.
In fluddes of flowinge woe:
As plainely men might see and vew
By their externall shoe.
But harke! ye Balaams blind,
Of popish saincts ye bee;
The darknesse with cleare light
At no time can agree.
Can truth a falsehood bee?
Or shall the goates expulse the lambes
From heaven? confesse to mee.
The flocke of God, deface;
Ne yet his pardon graunt to you
In heauen a resting-place.
Which shed iust Abel’s blood,
For homicide shall winne the heauens,
Then Christ shall doo you good.
Enioy felicitie;
Then shall your pope, and you his sainctes,
Which are as ill as he.
Shall raigne in heauen on hie;
So shall the pope, and you his sainctes;
I can it not denie.
Eternitie doo gaine;
Then shall the pope, and you his sainctes,
In heauen be sure to raigne.
With Christe a place possesse;
So shall the pope, and you his sainctes;
Of force I must confesse.
What tidinges I shall tell:
As these for their most wicked liues
Did sincke downe into hell;
Unlesse they doo repent,
Receiue like hyre, when Christ from heauen
To iudge us shal be sent.
The truthe for to withstand;
And none more apte then are his saincts
To take the sworde in hand,
And those that loue the same:
Such zeale haue they vnto the drosse
That peltinge popes did frame.
Is easie for to trie:
A man may iudge the fruites thereof,
That hath but halfe an eie.
But God from heauen with vengeance hot
This monster vile will blast;
Of all the popish brood,
That hope to haue a golden day
To shed more martyrs’ bloud.
Of cruell carelesse Cain,
Which persecute his members still,
And put his saincts to paine.
To languish in distresse,
Though he permit some tirants still
Hir children to oppresse:
He doth his Church regard,
And at the last amidst his wrath
His foes will sure reward.
Of antichrist so wood,
Which greedely his woluish thirst
Doth quench with martyrs’ bloud.
Then thinke ye, papists prowd,
The mighty God doth sleepe,
Because ye scape unplagued yet,
That kill his simple sheepe?
He sees his people’s griefe;
And, to decay your force in time,
Will graunt his saincts reliefe.
Then haue we not a golden daye?
The Lorde prolonge the same!
That in his feare henceforth we may
Practise our liues to frame;
For these his giftes of grace,
That he may still behold our daies
With his most louyng face;
May learne so to accorde,
That we with harts unfained may
Still liue and laude the Lorde:
So honour and obaye,
That England may be freed still
From papists’ golden daye;
And loue his veritie,
Through rigor and extorted force
A dismall daie would be.
And giue our foes a fall:
Confound those cruell Caines, O Lord,
That for a chaunge do call.
Within our tender hart,
That from thy truth and testament
No daunger cause us start.
Lord, be our strength and towre:
As from the Turke, so shield us, Lord,
From force of popish powre.
In lingringe hope to staie;
Protect thy fold, defend thy churche
From papists’ golden daye.
Let not thy praise decaie:
Stretch forth thine arme, and shield us still
From papists’ golden daie.
With harts unfayned praie,
That neuer more in England here
The pope haue golden daie.
Thy mercie, Lord, displaie;
Prolonge amonge thy simple sheepe
This happy golden daie:
And so thy worde obaie,
That we at no time neede to feare
The papists’ golden daie.
Come, Jesus Christ, we praie;
That all our foes may learne and know
We haue a golden daie.
With hart and minde I praie;
That by thy aide hir grace may keepe
The papists from their daie.
In mercy longe increase;
And graunt that ciuill warre and strife
In England still may cease.
Of all that carelesse crewe,
Which seeke by force for to withstand
Thy worde and gospell trewe.
Let thy Sprite be their staie;
That they their councell may imploy
To breake the papistes’ daie.
Thy gospell to display;
That by their trauell they may let
The papists’ golden day.
That loue may ay abound;
And graunt obedience to our queene
May euermore be found:
Hir subiectes ay to loue,
So true and trustie unto hir
Our hartes may euer proue.
Be our defence and stay,
And keepe the cruell papists still
From their longe-wished day.
To papists swift decay,
The worde of grace sincerely preacht,
Which is our golden day.
To God let us all pray:
Whose glorious name be lauded still
For this our golden day.