Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
To Jesus ChristeLXIV. Timothy Kendall
I ioyfull am for aie:
If euer me thou leaue,
My soule doeth sorrow slaie.
Thrise happie then am I:
If euer thou me leaue,
Then out, alas! I dye.
Abounde I doe in blisse:
If euer me thou leaue,
Then all thyng doe I misse.
Who then as I so glad?
If euer thou me leaue,
Then who as I so sad?
Thou euer mak’st me liue:
If euer thou me leaue,
Deathe’s dart thou dost me giue.
Who liues so glad as I?
If euer thou me leaue,
Who dies so bad as I?
In heauen thou mak’st me dwell:
If euer thou me leaue,
Thou driu’st me doune to hell.
Loue still, to make me liue;
So shall I neuer leaue
Thee laude and praise to giue.