
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

All Creatures Praise God

LXV. Peter Pett

ALL creatures of the eternall God but man

In seuerall sorts doe glorify his name:

Things dumbe and meerely senceless, as they can,

Yet seeme to prayse and magnify the same:

Is it not then an ignominious shame

That man should be to them inferiour,

Of whom God made him lord and governour?

Each tree doth seeme tenne thousand tongues to haue,

With them to laude the Lord omnipotent;

Each leafe that with winde’s gentle breath doth waue

Seemes as a tongue to speak to this intent,

In language admirably excellent.

Leaues better tongues then tongues that leaue their duty,

And loue to talk of nothing but of beauty.

The sundry sorts of fragrant floures doe seeme

Sundry discourses God to glorify:

For sweeter volumes may we them esteeme

Then such as handle with diuersity

The traynes and stratagems of fantasy:

For all these creatures in their seueral sorte

Prayse God, and man vnto the same exhort.