
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

Stanzas from “An Exhortation to England to ioine for defense of true religion and their native countrie”


AWAKE, each English wight,

Both high and low, awake;

Feare not the froward boasting bragges

That forraine foes do make;

Conspiring your distresse

For sticking to the troth,

And for refourming the abuse

Of such as liued in sloth.

But way the rightfull grounde

And state wherein you stand,

And mark the accursed cruell cause

That they doe take in hand.

You doe your sacred faith

And countrie’s soyle defend:

T’ abolish faith and conquer you

They surely doe intend.

Each cause of yours may cause

Your hart great comfort take;

Each cause of theirs may iustly cause

Their coward heart to quake.