Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
A Mirror of MutabilityLXXVII. T. Proctor
Must beauty braue be shrined in dankish earth?
Shall crawling wormes devoure such liuely showes of yong delights,
When valyant corps shall yeeld the latter breath?
Shall pleasures vade? must puffing pride decay?
Shall flesh consume? must thought resigne to clay?
Must deep desire die drenchd in direfull dread?
Shall deeds lewd dun in fine reap bitter smart?
Must each one vade, when life shall leave us dead?
Shall lands remayne? must wealth be left behinde?
Is sence depriv’d, when flesh in earth is shrinde?
Which moves the mind in youth from vertue’s lore:
Leave of the vaunt of pride and manly might,
Sith all must yeeld when death the flesh shall gore;
And way these wordes: as soone for to be sold
To market cums the yonge sheepe as the olde.
Like as the flower bedect with splendant hue,
Whose gallant show soon dride with heat wee see
Of scorching beames, though late it brauely grew:
We all must yeeld; the best shall not denye;
Unsure is death; yet certayn wee shall dye.
In yonge delightes wee seeme to live at rest;
We subiect bee to griefe; eche horror feares
The valiaunst harts, when death doth daunt the brest.
Then use thy talent here unto thee lent,
That thou mayst well account how it is spent.