Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
An Introduction to Saint Peter’s TearesLXXXVII. Anonymous
And you of idea’s idle companie,
That place your paradise in Cetheron,
And call vpon the nymphes of Thessalie;
Restraine your haughtie metaphoricke lines;
For reuerent Truth your glory vndermines.
Whence flowes the spring of sauing health;
Instead of birdes, archangels sing her will;
The temple is her loue, and peace her wealth.
O sacred sweete, and sweetest sacred substance,
Vnloose the springes of Peter’s poore repentance.
Faire milke-white Doue, vnto the meekest Lambe
The minister of heaven, the Lord of merit,
The gladdest messenger that euer came;
Infuse thy grace so sweetly in mine eares,
That I may truly write Saint Peter’s Teares.