Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
The Ninth TeareLXXXVII. Anonymous
Great Intercessor for the sinnes of man?
The one thy arme oppresseth euery hower;
O let the other fall as thick as sand.
Our sinnes abound so much, thy mercie more;
Els shall I thinke thou wilt not me restore.
And they are counted for the happiest men;
But I am laught at, who do daily pray:
If Peter should dispaire, sweete Lord, how then!
To see that they which neuer thinke on thee
Spend out their dayes in chiefe prosperitie.
Thou wilt be deafe when they shall call to thee;
I shall be heard before mine eyes do close;
O gracious God, that is enough for mee—
But they, when as they helpe shall most require,
Shall dye with blindnesse of their ill desire.
Their ioy is riches, mine thy sauing health:
That which all ioy and gladnesse dooth excell,
The bodie’s treasure, and the soule’s rich wealth:
O let me once possesse that ioyfull place,
And separate me from their sinfull race.
That like a serpent spitteth venome foorth:
They which comes neare them haue the like defame;
So are thy chosen held like them in worth:
Wipe, Lord, this wicked slaunder from thine owne,
And hast vs quickly to thy heauenly throne.
And loath that we did euer liue therein;
Pitty the world’s accurst calamities:
When we are chang’d from that we once had beene,
Then shall thy seruant Peter weepe no more,
Because of heauenly things he tastes such store.