Hunt and Lee, comps. The Book of the Sonnet. 1867.
I. SummerEdward Hovell-Thurlow, Lord Thurlow (1781–1829)
The skies are bright with azure and with gold;
The mavis and the nightingale, by turns,
Amid the woods a soft enchantment hold;
The flowering woods, with glory and delight,
Their tender leaves unto the air have spread;
The wanton air, amid their valleys bright,
Doth softly fly, and a light fragrance shed;
The nymphs within the silver fountains play,
And angels on the golden banks recline
Wherein great Flora, in her bright array,
Hath sprinkled her ambrosial sweets divine:
Or, else, I gaze upon that beauteous face,
O Amoret! and think these sweets have place.