Hunt and Lee, comps. The Book of the Sonnet. 1867.
II. The Harvest MoonEdward Hovell-Thurlow, Lord Thurlow (1781–1829)
With large delight foretells the harvest near:
Ye shepherds, now prepare your melody,
To greet the soft appearance of her sphere!
And, like a page, enamored of her train,
The star of even glimmers in the west:
Then raise, ye shepherds, your observant strain,
That so of the Great Shepherd here are blest!
Our fields are full of the time-ripened grain,
Our vineyards with the purple clusters swell:
Her golden splendor glimmers on the main,
And vales and mountains her bright glory tell:
Then sing, ye shepherds! for the time has come
When we must bring the enrichéd harvest home!